
目标肌肉:肱二头肌 运动类型:力量
所用器械:哑铃 发力类型:
力学:孤立 经验水平:中级水平


    Set up for the lying dumbbell curl by grabbing a set of dumbbells (you should use a lighter weight than you're used to) and laying down on a flat bench.

    Your arms should be straight and by your sides, and you should be holding the dumbbells in an underhand position (palms facing up).

    Starting the movement with your arms fully extended, curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders.

    Squeeze the biceps, and then lower the weight back to the starting position.

    Repeat for desired reps.

Exercise Tips:

    Keep your elbows fixed throughout the set.Don't allow them to come up as your curl the dumbbells. Only your forearms should be moving.