
目标肌肉:腹肌 运动类型:力量
所用器械:杠铃 发力类型:N/A
力学:孤立 经验水平:初学者


    The standing barbell twist exercise focuses on your obliques. Grab a light barbell and rest it on the muscle on the back of your neck. Do not rest the weight on your neck!

    Stand up straight, with your feet firmly on the floor at a wide than shoulder width stance, and your back straight.

    Slowly twist your torso to the right and then to the left. Tense up your mid section.

    Twist as far as possible. Do not move your head with the twist, but keep eyes facing forward.

Exercise Tips:

    Don't look from side to side, but keep your head facing forward.

    Keep your abs tight throughout the whole set.

    Make sure you have enough room if you're using an Olympic bar!

    This exercise can be performed wile sitting on the edge of a bench.