
目标肌肉:胸肌 运动类型:力量
所用器械:杠铃 发力类型:
力学:复合 经验水平:中级水平
相关部位:肩膀/三角肌, 肱三头肌


    The reverse grip incline bench press works the upper chest in is a variation of the incline bench press.Set up for the incline bench press by setting the bench to an angle of between 30 and 40 degrees. 30 is preferable as any higher than that will recruit too much of your shoulders. Loadthe weight you want to use.

    Lay back on the bench with your feet firmly on the floor and grasp the barbell with a wider than shoulder width underhand grip (palms facing your head).

    Take the barbell off the rack. Slowly lower the barbell down to the top of your chest as far as possible without touching your body.

    Pause, then slowly raise the back back to the starting position.

    Do not lock your elbows out, and repeat for desired reps.

Exercise Tips:

    Make sure you grip the bar with your thumbs around it.

    Keep the rep timing slow and control the weight.

    Don't bounce the weight off your chest.

    Don't lock your elbows out at the top of the movement.