
目标肌肉:胸肌 运动类型:力量
所用器械:杠铃 发力类型:
力学:复合 经验水平:中级水平
相关部位:肩膀/三角肌, 肱三头肌


    The Guillotine Press is the same as a barbell bench except the bar is lowered to your neck. This causes the sternal head of the pectoralis major to be recruited strongly, whileminimizing secondary muscle involvement.

    Set up for the Guillotine Press by loading the weight you want to use on the barbell.

    Lay down on the bench and grasp the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing forward) with your hands at wider than shoulder width. Take the bar off the rack.

    Slowly lower the bar as far as possible towards your neck.

    Pause, then raise the bar straight back up without locking the elbows at the top of the movement.

    Repeat for desired reps.

Guillotine Press Tips:

    Obviously, this exercise can be very dangerous! Use lighter weights and use a spotter!

    Lower the bar slowly and control the weight during the set.