目标肌肉:背阔肌 | 运动类型:力量 |
所用器械:杠铃 | 发力类型:拉 |
力学:复合 | 经验水平:初学者 |
相关部位:肱二头肌, 背阔肌, 肩膀/三角肌 |
Grab a barbell, load some weight on it and set it down in front of you.
Stand with your feet at around shoulder width, bend at the knees, and squat down to grip the bar with and overhand grip (thumbs at the bottom) and your hands wider than shoulder width apart.
Keeping your back straight,stand straight up so you're holding the bar in front of you against your waist.
To get into the starting position bend your knees slightly, and while keeping your back straight let the barbell slide down your thighs until it drops just below knee level. This is the stance that should not change throughout the set.
Now pull the bar up to just below your chest.
Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.
Then slowly lower back to the start position.
Repeat for desired reps.
Make sure you bring the bar up to the correct position.Do not bring it up too high (to your chest)or too low (to your stomach).
Control the weight throughout the exercise.Don't allow it to drop quickly and pause for a count of 1 at the top of the movement.
And finally (most importantly)keep your back straight! If you bend at the back, you're using to much weight. Keep your head up, and eyes looking forward throughout the whole movement. You might want to use a weight belt and squeeze the back of the belt with your lower back. This will ensure that you keep your back straight. Do the bent over rowin front of a mirror or get a training partner/personal trainer to check your technique.