目标肌肉:腹肌 | 运动类型:力量 |
所用器械:徒手/自体重 | 发力类型:拉 |
力学:复合 | 经验水平:中级水平 |
相关部位:没有 |
The Roman Chair Twisting Knee Raise hits your lower abs and obliques. Set up for the exercise by positioning yourself in the Roman chair.
Your forearms should be along the horizontal pads, hands gripping the handles, and back against the back pad.
Take your feet off the supports so they're hanging. This is the start position of the exercise.
Slowly raise your knees up and across your body as far as possible to the left side.
Pause, then lower back to starting position.
Repeat that movement for your right side. That is one repetition.
Repeat for your desired reps.
Slow the movement down to get the maximum benefit.
Hold a dumbbell between your feet for added intensity.