目标肌肉:股四头肌 | 运动类型:力量 |
所用器械:徒手/自体重 | 发力类型:推 |
力学:复合 | 经验水平:初学者 |
相关部位:小腿, 臀大肌, 腘绳肌 |
Stand up straight with a slight bend in your knees. You are now in the starting position.
Step behind you with your left leg while maintaining your balance and squat down through your hips.
Keep your torso straight and head up. Don't allow your front knee to track out over your toes.
Push yourself back to the starting position by using your heal to drive you.
Repeat this movement with your right leg and then repeat for desired reps.
Never allow your knees to track out over your toes during this movement. Doing so will place undue stress on the knee joints.
Keep your head up and back straight throughout the exercise. Never allow your back to round.