
目标肌肉:股四头肌 运动类型:力量
所用器械:徒手/自体重 发力类型:
力学:复合 经验水平:初学者
相关部位:小腿, 臀大肌, 腘绳肌


    Stand up straight in front of a flat bench or other raised platform. Keep your eyes facing forward and a slight bend in your knees. This is the starting position.

    Lift your left knee and step onto the platform with your left foot.

    Once your foot is firmly planted on the platform, use your left heel to lift your body up and place your right foot on the platform as well.

    Pause briefly and then step back with your right leg and carefully return to the starting position.

    Repeat this motion for desired reps and then repeat while leading with your right foot.

Exercise Tips:

    Keep your head up and back straight throughout the exercise. Never allow your back to round.

    Add intensity and difficulty by raising the platform. The higher the platform, the more intense the exercise.