
目标肌肉:股四头肌 运动类型:力量
所用器械:器械 发力类型:
力学:复合 经验水平:中级水平
相关部位:小腿, 臀大肌, 腘绳肌


    Set up for the exercise by setting the bar in a smith machineto just below shoulder height and loading the weight you want to use.

    Stand under the bar with your feet at about shoulder width apart.

    Position the bar so that it is resting on the muscles on the top of your back, not on the back of your neck. The bar should feel comfortable. If it doesn't, try adding some padding to the bar.

    Now take your hands over the back and grip the bar with a wide grip for stability.

    You should now bend at the knees and straighten your back in preparation to take the weight off the rack. Keeping your back straight and eyes up, push up through the legs and take the weight off the rack.

    Place your right foot out in front of you and your left foot behind you. You are now in the starting position.

    While maintaining your balancesquat down through your hips. Bend at both knees and raise up on your toes with your back foot while keeping your front foot flat on the ground.

    Keep your torso straight and head up. Don't allow your front knee to track out over your toes.

    Push yourself back to the starting position by using your heal and toes to drive you.

    Repeat this movement for desired reps and then repeat with your left foot out in front.

Exercise Tips:

    Never allow your knees to track out over your toes during this movement. Doing so will place undue stress on the knee joints.

    This exercise requires a good deal of balance and is not recommended for those with balance issues. Begin by using a very light weight to first perfect the movement.

    Keep your head up and back straight throughout the exercise. Never allow your back to round.