目标肌肉:肱二头肌 | 运动类型:力量 |
所用器械:器械 | 发力类型:拉 |
力学:孤立 | 经验水平:中级水平 |
相关部位:没有 |
The pull down bicep curl is an exercise for the biceps using a lat pull down machine. Set up by adjusting the knee pad to suit your legs and selecting the weight you want to use on the stack.
Grip the bar with an underhand grip (palms facing up) with your hands about shoulder width apart.
Sit down on the benchwith your arms fully extended. This is the starting position for the exercise.
Keeping your upper arms and elbows fixed, slowly curl the weight down behind your head.
Pause, and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
Repeat for desired reps.
It's important to keep your upper arms pointing straight up. Don't allowyour elbows to move back and forth as you curl the weight.
Focus on only allowing your forearms to move.